#166E: Here is how the old Polish prophecy is going to fulfil, that „they will kiss the ground with footsteps of another person” – English version (polska wersja w nastepnym wpisie)

„The murderous avalanche of destruction will be initiated by an unexpected wave of hunger. In turn hunger brings desperation and madness to everyone in the same way – means to a rich as well as to a poor, to an influential person as well as to an insignificant one. This wave of hunger will hit the humanity when no-one is to expect it. After all, in spite that the Earth’s climate worsens increasingly strong, and in spite that the natural resources of the Earth are close to running out, in order to stay in power politicians still keep reassuring their nations that due to their leaderships the future looks bright. They still lead their countries along the road to abyss, close to which we all are already. Still, apart from China, no other country is to curb the births explosion, while still people keep multiplying like rabbits – although natural resources are melting away instead of multiplying. Also politicians still keep giving eloquent speeches about their efforts to improve the situation – but still these are just empty words and politicians still refry from taking any drastic or unpopular actions. In turn businessmen still find excuses to earn billions at the cost of nature, forests, and fertile soil. So at a near future the humanity is to pass through the point of no return and then everything is going to collapse. After this point is passed, the events start to roll with a terrifying speed – in a manner very similar as in the second half of 2008 this happened with the world’s economical crisis. The first sign will be that in shops of even the richest countries a shortage of food is to appear – because a natural disaster is to wipe out crops in the last country, the export of food of which used to make an impression that there is enough food in the world. This lack of food will be exaggerated by sensation thirsty press and television. This in turn will cause the eruption of panics and mass looting of shops with food and mass robbery of food storage facilities by hysterical crowds. Authorities will react heavy-handedly, and street fights will erupt. It will be then that guns will fall into unauthorised hands. These ones with guns will form bands to secure food for themselves. Thus mass robberies will begin. The chaos will soon prevail, while authorities will completely loose the control over the population. Everyone will rapidly find himself and herself left just to care for themselves. The hunger, robberies, and shootings will leave first people dead. Because of the chaos, no-one is to burry them. The plague will begin. People start to die in large numbers. Electricity power-stations, waterworks, and transport cease to exist. A rapid and massive escape of people from cities will begin. Waves of desperately hungry people are to flood villages causing a kind of the „wild west” in there. Farmers who will still try to grow food become soon victims of robbers and murderers. In turn without food, without the knowledge how to produce food, and without the possibility to find a place where hungry crowds would allow to grow food, soon all these who will still escape of the plague and robberies, will also fall from hunger and exhaustion. The total effect will be almost like after the biblical great flood. This catastrophe will survive only a few sparse people, who will be lucky enough to escape to so hostile areas that hungry bands of robbers will not be able to find them in there, and who simultaneously will be so knowledgeable about principles of surviving in the wilderness, that they will resort to eating worms, insects, slugs, roots, etc. – just in order to survive. When finally the nature restores a balance, there will be so few people left that when one of them meets footprints of another person, then from the happiness he or she will kiss the ground – exactly as the old Polish prophecy was foretelling this.”

The above is NOT a description of the „end of the world”, but just a deduced scenario of an old Polish prophecy about the incoming self-inflicted wiping out of the majority of people.

In times of my youth, means in years 1950s, old people frequently used to repeat the above prophecy. This old prophecy stated that soon people are going to bring on themselves so devastating catastrophe, that in the result of it the Earth become almost completely depopulated. After this mass wiping out of people that closes in, so few individuals supposed to survive, that after the destruction is finished, then according to the prophecy „when a man sees footprints of another man, he will be so thrilled that from the happiness he is going to kiss these footprints”.

What supposed to be the reason for this murderous catastrophe, and how it is going to manifest itself, the old-timers were unable to explain. But they were sure of several attributes of it, which will characterise this man-made catastrophe that is approaching. Let us now list most vital out of these attributes:

(1) It is NOT going to be the catastrophe caused by the nature nor by the so-called „will of God”. Means, old-timers were decisive in their prophesising, that this catastrophe is NOT going to be of a natural or Godly origins, but the reason for it will be people themselves (i.e. it is not going to be e.g. a flood, nor a meteorite impact, nor earthquake, nor volcano eruptions, nor anything „natural” – but it will be caused by people themselves).

(2) This „wiping out of people” will NOT be that prophesised the „end of the world”. Means, after it takes place, the humanity will gradually heal the wounds and repopulate the Earth again, although then it is NOT going to be the same humanity as before. I.e. people will then be different than are now.

(3) The catastrophe is to come soon. Means, old-timers already were prophesised then, i.e. in Poland of 1950s, that from this catastrophe we are only tens of years apart, not for example hundreds or thousands of years. This in turn would mean, that this catastrophe supposed to arrive to the Earth not later than by 2040s, because starting from 2050s it would already elapse over 100 years since such prophesising.

(4) This catastrophe will NOT be caused by a war. This part of the old prophecy was the most strange. After all, the only way for a mass wiping out of humans (apart from the disaster caused by nature or by a „will of God”) which people of 1950s could imagine and describe, was the murderous „third world war”. But this prophecy decisively claimed that it is NOT going to be a war. For this reason many people from my generation were then speculating about this prophecy, that probably it is going to be a kind of „accident” with nuclear weapon, which will destroy the humanity – similarly as this would be done by the „third world war” – although due being an „accident” it will NOT be a war.

(5) After this catastrophe, numerous other old prophecies supposed to also fulfil. For example, it was to be after that catastrophe that „Poland from a sea to a sea” supposed to appear. Also, it was to be after it that „the world is to be overtaken by the yellow race”. Etc., etc.

In 2008 the unexpected and rapid world’s economic crisis demonstrated to us quite clearly why the humanity is NOT going to be able to prevent this prophesised self-inflicted wiping out of people, and how this catastrophe is to look like. After all, in 2008 the situation in the world started to illustrate to us, how the shocking short-sightedness of many political leaders of subsequent countries, and how the care of typical politicians just about their own interests, brings to the Earth climatic changes caused by humans. It was also in 2008 that the world’s economic depression was started – also caused by the greed of rich people. Both these phenomena, means (a) climatic changes caused by the chase of profits and power, and (b) the world’s economic depression caused by the unstoppable greed of people, illustrated to us vividly these human characteristics, which in the final effect are going to bring the prophesised self-destruction onto heads of the present generation.

Of course, scientists who are researching general trends in the development of humanity, and also mathematicians who carry our predictions, already a long ago noticed where this unstoppable chase of profits is leading the humanity. Therefore already in 1972 the so-called „Club of Rome” published a document with forecasting entitled „The Limits to Growth”. This document forecasted that the untamed drive to growth and to increase in profits, will lead to an overshot and to decline pattern, which could mean that the limits of sustainability are exceeded. In turn the exceeding the limits of sustainability is to cause the fall down of the human civilisation in a number of areas, including the production of food. In the result, a huge number of people is going to die – perhaps even over 3 to 8 billion of victims of this collapse of our civilisation.

In 2009 a similar model of catastrophe as the one postulated by scientists from the „Club of Rome” was also confirmed in a new report from the Australian CSIRO. Also this report states that the world is following the path toward a self-destruction. Because this Australian report is based on present data – which are more current than the data from 1972, it was able to determine more precisely the date of this collapse of sustainability of the humanity. According to this data, if no significant prevention measures are undertaken, this catastrophe so murderous for the humanity may only be around 20 years away.

Independently from entire organisations and institutions, the alarm is also raised by individual scientists. For example, I encountered an excellent article by Dr John Robinson (applied mathematician), entitled „World shows it’s still on course for destruction”, from page B5 of the New Zealand newspaper „The Dominion Post”, issue dated on Wednesday, March 4, 2009. This article again appeals for waking up and undertaking urgent actions, as in opinion of this author the humanity soon is to pass through the „point of no-return” and then the catastrophe become unavoidable. The author of this article writes, amongst others, quote: „Business and government want the economy and the population to go on growing forever. This has led to a fundamental set of beliefs, that growth is a necessary feature of capitalism, that capitalism is a necessary feature of a free society, and that the freedom of the market is more important than physical reality. A propaganda war has denied any global limits.”

If we watch carefully actions of typical present politicians, then it turns out that they are only able to give eloquent speeches, but their societies never see any constructive actions. This is best visible on the example of reactions of politicians of 2009 to the climate changes and to economic crisis. In turn, if one analyses actions of businessmen, then it is clearly visible that the only thing that interests them, is how to escalate their own profits. In turn what happens to the rest of the world seems to be no their concern. For me personally the most representative behaviour of businessmen was the action of the American insurance giant named AIG. In spite that the management of this corporation ruled so wrongly that it caused billions of dollars of losses, and in spite that their institution would not bankrupt only because it received billions of dollars of financial help from the USA government, still members of the AIG management took the decision to pay themselves bonuses of around 165 millions of US$ – for details see the article „Megabuck bonuses for staff who led America’s biggest loss”, from page A1 of the newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, March 16, 2009.

Behaviour, mentality, and immorality of typical present politicians and businessmen is not giving even a slightest hope that they are ever able to come to senses. After all, typical present politicians act according to the principle „let it collapse and burn – if only I keep in power”. In turn typical present businessman act according to a principle „after me even the end of the world can come – if I only make further millions”. In the result, it is just almost sure that this old prophecy regarding the self-inflicted wiping out of the majority of humans, is going to fulfil itself. In turn seeing what happened with the economic crisis of the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, already now we can deduce what the scenario of this incoming self-wiping out of people is going to look like.
The course of this incoming collapse of the humanity was just summarised briefly in the scenario from the beginning of this post.

  • ***

In this post I try to realise that the old Polish prophecy about approaching time when „a man is to kiss the ground where he sees footprints of another man” just gradually begins to fulfil itself in our sight. A full content of this prophecy, requirements which needs to be met by people in order to avoid the fulfilment of it, and also other similar prophecies from the area of Poland, all these are described in „part #H” (e.g. see item #H4 in there) from the totaliztic web page named „prophecies.htm”, update of 21 March 2009, or later. The latest update of the web page „prophecies.htm” – already with the above story, should be available, amongst others, at following addresses: http://www.geocities.ws/immortality/prophecies.htm

It is also worth to notice that practically all totaliztic web pages are available at each web site of totalizm. Therefore, independently from the web page ” prophecies.htm „, each address (server) indicated above also offers all other web pages of totalizm – unless some of these web pages were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no time yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case when for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address, still at this address a MENU should be available which has links to other addresses (servers) of totalizm, on which a given web page should already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page listed in this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the above addresses the name „prophecies.htm” is just enough to exchange for a name of the web page that he or she wishes to view, e.g. for the name of web page „bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm”, „healing.htm”, „oscillatory_chamber.htm”, „eco_cars.htm”, „boiler.htm”, „fe_cell.htm”, „free_energy.htm”, „telekinetics.htm”, „dipolar_gravity.htm”, „nirvana.htm”, „totalizm.htm”, „evil.htm”,  „god.htm”, „god_proof.htm”, „bible.htm”, „evolution.htm”, „wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm”, „malbork_uk.htm”, „memorial.htm”, „newzealand.htm”, „partia_totalizmu_uk.htm”, „fruit.htm”, „text_1_5.htm”, „explain.htm”, „day26.htm”, „ufo_proof.htm”, „katrina.htm”, etc., etc.

If the above text needed to be cut down here to fit into the memory that is available, or it is difficult to read, or links from it refuse to work, then it is worth to know that this post is repeated on two different blogs of totalizm – where it carries the number #166E. These blogs of totalizm can be accessed through following internet addresses:

With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

Komentarzy 209 to “#166E: Here is how the old Polish prophecy is going to fulfil, that „they will kiss the ground with footsteps of another person” – English version (polska wersja w nastepnym wpisie)”

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    […]#166E: Here is how the old Polish prophecy is going to fulfil, that „they will kiss the ground with footsteps of another person” – English version (polska wersja w nastepnym wpisie) « News[…]…

  3. BestHotels Says:


    […]#166E: Here is how the old Polish prophecy is going to fulfil, that „they will kiss the ground with footsteps of another person” – English version (polska wersja w nastepnym wpisie) « News[…]…

  4. Anonim Says:

    I am a New Zealander whose mother (now 84) , didn’t know her grandmother was Polish until 15 years ago. As part of me tracking down our heritage, I found a reference to a Polish prophecy published by Michael Cerny in Grudziadz and included in a letter dated 1883. The Catholic church archives have no record of it, but I thought maybe you could help.

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